Friday, September 30, 2011

What did you learn this week? And how will you integrate it into your high school classes and eventually, your college courses

This week in class I learned how to make a blog. Its something I already knew about but had no idea how to work it. But now its helping me with class and having knowledge in the blogs on the internet. The blogs will also help me in all my other classes. Im now realizing I need the blogs so learning it this week helped me a lot.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Colleges can now track social web chatter to help recruit students thanks to targetx crm tool

After reading this article, I think that technology is so different than the way it used to be. Its good to see how this person is whether they are inteligent, smart, outgoing, etc. The bad part about them doing this is, they can find information that you don't even know about. The internet has everything on it. So either way they will find something good or bad. I don't like the fact that they can look into your personal space but there shouldn't be anything on it that they wouldn't like. They get to find out everything about you before you can even tell them. But it just seems like things are going too far with technology now a days.